L&G has significant experience dealing with diverse array of planning issues. Our experience has included working as a municipal planners, Grants and Funding at the State level, NJ Transit’s Transit-Friendly Planning Program, and County Planning. All of these experiences grounds the firm in the reality of day-to-day municipal operations with a solid understanding of the effects statewide policies have on the ground.
Providing a full range of professional planning services, the firm’s expertise ranges from large-scale urban redevelopment, to commercial corridor retrofits, and site specific planning and design. All of our work is ground in our ability to build community consensus through our education and professional experience. The firm also has a great deal of experience in issues ranging from multi-community planning projects to County and regional plans. We take great pride in being able to work with all the factions within the communities we serve. The public process is important, especially politically, with regard to a community’s ability to create plans that garner the support and can be implemented. Without this, plans are merely paper on a shelf or become political footballs.
One of the strengths of our firm is the ability to offer practical advice. We are cognizant of the issues faced by communities and can help develop consensus on matters relating to sustainability, land use, and site design, with important focus on integrating the environment as well as transportation investments. Vision is key, but implementation is a must. Our firm focuses on the ability to achieve both the short and long-term goals of our clients.