Looking to grow your tax base is more than just dollars and cents. A community must be more than the sum of it parts or its full potential is not realized. Job opportunities, equitable access, open spaces and quality housing play an important part. Planning is key.

L&G believes that effective public policy begins with the community, its true experts. When a community comes together, better plans are developed. As plans are discussed and market-based realities better understood, the electorate becomes educated. While not everyone participates, the opportunity to do so is an important part of effective governance. L&G utilizes a wide variety of techniques to ensure the community is engaged. Healthy, effective communication and input from all factions of the community is a great way to build a constituency through planning and community development.
CWL Planning was founded in 2009 and in addition to serving our clients, members of our firm are involved in many other aspects of their communities, professional and otherwise. The New Jersey family matter! All of the Firm's experiences grounds us firm in the reality of day-to-day life. Our local experience provides L&G with a with a solid understanding of the effects statewide policies have on the ground.
![]() InFIELD Cannabis
11 West Church Street.
Suite A.
Bordentown City, NJ 08505.
e:[email protected]
![]() L&G Planning
PO Box 7743
West Trenton, NJ 08628
[email protected]